Sunday 1 July 2012

Letter #5

Dear Erica,
Ok, I'm up to Thursday now.(I'm secretly writing this Sunday night, but we're going to pretend like I wrote this Thursday night)In music we went to a legit recording studio to record our song which was AWESOMEEEEEEE! It was in some guy's house so it was slightly strange and super cramped. There were like 4 other bands there while we were there and the only place to hang out was the teeny tiny living room. We were pretty good in our recording though! We got a copy of it on a cd which has been playing non-stop throughout the dorms. Apparently people like listening to us! And they also think we are really good! I would estimate that 5 times a day since the recording was handed out to all the music kids, I have been told that I'm "such a good singer!" and asked "Will you sing something for me?!" It's both annoying and flattering. For electives I went to "girl talk and venting with Danny" (the guy councilor's name isn't really Danny but for privacy reasons I won't say his name... I know I know, I'm being really nice and stuff by hiding his identity) At first, it was just me, Danny, and Ross, but eventually lots of other guys came. I feel that it is important to point out here that this was supposed to be GIRL TALK. It was so funny! That night we went to Dave and Busters. It was sort of fun, but I'm not really into arcades so I was glad to leave. At night my roomie and I went for a midnight run around the track. That's right! I'm suddenly into running! (ok, so fine it wasn't was like 10:30 but before curfew and we just felt cool but close enough.) Friday was performance day for our band. I messed up the lyrics like twice but I tried my best to cover it up and kept going. Dance turned into planning a flash mob that is happening after I'm gone anyway so I just kind of waited for it to end. We didn't have any electives so I decided to spend forever running and hanging out, then decided to do some laundry. After finding out that I wouldn't have enough time to dry my clothes I quickly determined that I would only wash delicates and things that I could hang to dry. The problem is that even though I hypothetically knew how to do laundry, I had never actually used a washing machine before. After a minor panic attack I figured it out (sort of) and my laundry got clean. (it was so embarrassing. I first put in my clothes and then my money before putting in detergent so it started to wash without any soap. I freaked out and poured in a guesstimated amount of detergent into the bleach compartment--only to find out later that you could just pour the detergent on the clothes. Sigh.) I wound up hopping around repeating to myself "shoot shoot shoot! Why can't I figure out how to use a stupid washing machine! It shouldn't be that complicated!" but it was def an experiance. I did better the second time around the next day. Speaking of which, the longest letter ever continues, Saturday was SOOOOOOOOOOO (plus 100 more o's) boring. We woke up and prayed for 3 hours, then learned with our floor and councilor, then learned with the rabbi. By the time we were done, it was lunch time and straight after that was back to praying. I was going to explode. After we finally finished praying, I went jogging again with my roomie and then went on a nature hike with some other friends. We had a jolly time even though we were bored out of our minds. Saturday night as you may have guessed from being told that I was doing laundry again, was not a very exciting night for us. We did nothing except for sort of clean our rooms. We were going out of our minds--we literally were climbing the doors and screaming of bordom until we decided to start a dance party in the lounge and get as many people there as possible. We wound up with a decent crowed, but the iPod speakers were really quiet, there wasn't good music, and basically everyone else sat there but me and 2 other girls who danced like nobody was watching. Today we went to Ocean City and hit the Jersey Shore. It was lots of funsies (see fb for pics) and we ate lots of ice cream. Tonight we did some more nothing and I tended to my sunburned back. Eek. Anyway it's late and I'm going to sleep. Love, Stephanie

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