Wednesday 25 July 2012

Letter #13

Dear Erica,
Last night I was showing Justin my planner from this past year so he could see the school schedule and while I walked out of the room he asked me who Eric was. HA! He thought it was some guy in my class. LOL!! Soooo after I wrote the last letter I was up until 2 in the freaking morning decorating a certain 10 year old's bedroom. Oh man... See, he decided it would be a good idea to not go to bed until 11:30 which meant I couldn't start decorating until at least 12. Lets just say I was a sleepy sister the next day. The actual birthday was not as exciting as it could have been. We had presents in the morn and I frosted some cake (which turned out pretty good if I may say so myself) and later went bowling with the fam (including D-bomb. She's kinda family I guess...) We ended the evening by missing Andrew's family get together because my father's "10 minute" conference call turned into a 45 minute call and by the time we got to my grandparents all the other family had left already. Awks. But me and my broskas had fun playing banana grams. Yesterday I DROVEEEEEEE (did I mention that it was ME who was driving? because it was.) to Kohls to go shopping with my Mom. I'm giving away TONS of clothes that I decided I don't like any more or that don't fit which doesn't leave me with very many clothes. I know, I know. I'm being a spoiled brat who claims not to have any clothes when I probably have WAY more than necessary but YOU KNOW WHAT?! So I've gathered up my babysitting cash and am gladly spending it all on clothes for a souped up wardrobe. WOO CLOTHES! Minor side track for a sec--I'm currently writing this at 11:40 at night because as you know, I don't sleep. My house is COMPLETELY dark except for this computer screen and you know how there is that wall of mirror in my house? Well I just accidentally turned my head approximately 90 degrees to the right only to see MYSELF in all creepily lit up and teeny across the hall. In the mirror. Minor panic attack. Breathe Stephanie. In. Out. In. Out. I promise its not a ghost. Its just me. You. Whatever. ANYWAY back to business. Today I woke up with that feeling of "I'm not going to accomplish anything today" but I overcame! (Insert flashback to moments before our hebrew final when we all rocked back and forth singing "WE SHALL OVERCOMEEEE!"...good times) I went to the mall with my Mom and continued my efforts to replenish my wardrobe, took a practice ACT test (just the English section though, because I was lazy and it was the shortest) and I got a 30. So I would say that's a good start. I also DROVE to Barnes and Noble and bought my AP lang book. I just want to point out how grown up I felt at this moment. I had driven me, (my mom) and my siblings to Barnes and Noble, then I bought us all starbucks drinks on my gift card. (I feel that it is important to tell you as well that I got this AMAZINGGGG chocolate beverage while I was there. YUM!) After the mall I got Panera with my mom. You probably don't know this, but I happen to LOVE Panera with a burning passion. Mainly because their bread and Mac n' cheese (those are 2 seperate things) happen to be magical. Expensive!! But amazing. Joshua Radin is playing on my pandora so I have to go rejoice a little. I'm so tired I'm dizzy.

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