Wednesday 11 July 2012

Letter #6

Dear Erica,
Ok, I admit. I've been super bad about keeping up with this blog. I would like to extend my sincerest apologies. Anywhooooo, I'll do my best to catch you up. I know I talked to you on the phone about some of this stuff already, but what the heck I'll say it again. I left off telling you about my gross sunburn (which since then has almost completely healed--PHEW!) which was last Sunday. Soooo Monday I switched activities to art and fashion. Art was coolio right from the start. We began drawing and cutting out stencils that we would later use to create spray paint shirts. In fashion I started sketching out a dress that I was going to make. WE INTERRUPT YOUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED PROGRAM FOR SOME BREAKING NEWS: ok its not actually news, or even newsworthy, but I was just taking a break from writing this (I think I have writers block. Is that even possible when you're just writing down the things you did?) to watch my true love Charlie McDonnel and OMGGGG this face he makes at 3:57. I can't even describe it. I just laughed so hard I almost peed in my pants. Not actually. But check this out: Ok, calm yourself Stephanie. Its not THAT funny. Back to Monday. Monday night we went to the King of Prussia Mall (which happens to be the second biggest mall in America) which was pretttttty cool. While searching for a store that would sell aloe (for my gross sunburn) my friends and I found this awesome machine that looked just like the security machines that they have you go in in the airport that you have to stand with your hands above your head and watch that thing spin around you or whatever. You know what I'm talking about right? The new TSA security shindig? The X-ray do-da? Well it looked just like that except that it found your proper size in all different brands of jeans in all the stores in the mall. It was super cool. We found some cute clothes and tried on sunglasses with mustaches. My friend got a free pretzel because the guy at the cash register thought she was cute, and I bought a doughnut. The mall was so huge though, and we barely had enough time there that we couldn't really see a lot of it. :( Its 11:40 now and I have to be up bright and early to volunteer in the citayyy so I'll continue writing to you tomorrow! REMIND ME TO TELL YOU: bus ride, hair, anonymous

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