Wednesday 18 July 2012

Letter #9

Dear Erica,
I haven't written you a letter in a few days honestly only because I've been pretty boring. Nothing really exciting to tell you. Sunday after I wrote you that letter I tried to go to the mall with my Momma, but after she got back from visiting my grandma (who just had knee surgery--good times...) and by the time we were both ready to go it was 5:20. Lets just say we got to the mall at 5:45 and the mall closes at 6...Again, good times. But we hit up Kohls instead. I'm pretty sure my entire wardrobe is from there. Monday my broskas (aka brothers) came home from camp. I was glad to have them back. It was too much alone time with the 'rents if ya know what I mean. Its nice to not have all the attention on me. Then again, I do miss having the bathroom all to myself and not having to compete for the computer or TV. Yesterday I can't even remember what I did. I don't think I did anything really. Like always on these beautiful summer days I slept in until like 11 or 12 and hung out all day until my aunt and uncle came over (on their motorcycle no less) We were all super excited to see them since they only come in town a few times a year. Its kind of a long trip when you're coming from China. Today I was boring as usual. I woke up late and went to babysit. While the cutsie I was watching protested taking a nap with all of his might and cried for his mom he ended up falling asleep on the couch. Just as I had planned...maybe...(insert evil laugh here.) While he slept I got even more boring and started studying for the ACT. My dad bought me this HUGE book with some practice tests and general test-taking advice and strategies. To answer the question I'm sure you're thinking by now: yes, it really is as boring as it sounds. When the cutsie's older sister came home we played with play-dough and made stop motion films. I'm a creative babysitter, I know I know. (My day is just so exciting! I'm sure you are already asleep reading this. I might just fall asleep writing it...I need more dot dot dots and parenthesis to keep me awake..........))))) When I got home I tried to make some lunch for myself only to find that my kind and dearest brother had made mac n' cheese. For himself. Left the milk, butter, and his dirty dishes out. And to top it off left the dirty pot sitting on the stove. For MEEEEEE to clean if I wanted to make myself food. GRRRRRR! SIBLINGS SOMETIMES NEED TO BE PUSHED DOWN A SLIGHTLY STEEP HILL! (I'm not THAT mean, I only said a SLIGHTLY steep hill...) So yes, I cleaned the pot, put away the ingredients, even went so far as to unload a dishwasher and switch the laundry. (insert your vast praise for my kindness and overall perfection here) My day got even better when I tried to make myself pasta, got as far as trying to pour cheese onto the noodles to melt it when I realized that the freaking cheese was MOLDY. That's right my friend, I ate it anyway. AFTER I did my very best to scoop out all the green parts. Really, there wasn't that much  mold, but it stunk up EVERYTHINGGGG. Talk about the stinky cheese man!!! I was the stinky cheese GIRL. Grosssssssss. After that I became thoroughly obsessed with the TV series switched at birth, watched 4 episodes of that, and played brick breaker on my phone for a long time. Long enough that I'm too embarrassed to tell you how long I actually spent playing that dumb game. (For the record, I still haven't lost yet and I beat all 34 levels only to find out that if you beat the game it just resets and you're back to level one. Not like I still have 23 lives left when you only start with 3 or anything plus I currently have more than double my high score...I know. I have no life.) I just finished an episode of Beverly Hills Nanies. Another obsession. Okay, I'm done telling you about how I have no life. I'm going to go watch another episode of switched at birth.
Love Stephanie
P.S. If you only knew how many words I used spell check for in this one letter.....haha....oy.

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