Sunday 15 July 2012

Letter #7

Dear Erica,
I realize that since I missed a few days here and there writing to you I am writing about events that happened 2 weeks ago, which means I have 2 weeks of stuff to tell you and I need to stop with the procrastination! Ok, so 2 Tuesdays ago I was still doing art and fashion. I was probably finishing spray painting my shirt and cutting it to be cool. (They only had larges and as you may have noticed, I happen to be a rather small human being. This meant that I looked like I was wearing a dress when I put on my t-shirt so I hipstered up (I realize that is not a word) and cut it. P.S. I just had parenthesis WITHIN parenthesis. Craziness.) In fashion I worked on my dress. Later that evening (ew, that sounded wayyyyy to formal) we went to the movies and I saw People Like Us. It was a rather intriguing film which I enjoyed greatly. (I didn't cry or anything!!) Wednesday was...well... a Wednesday. It was just the usual. In art we basically just watched movies for the rest of the week since we had finished our t-shirts and didn't feel like starting anything new or being productive. Fashion I continued working on my dress. (Is that obvious? Well, in case you weren't aware, I was still working on my dress throughout the whole week) During electives there was a water gun fight which I sneakily avoided since I strongly dislike water in general. Most of the time. REMIND TO TELL YOU HERE: cursing, presents, accent, towels. Since it was July 4th (possibly one of my favorite days of the year, yay patriotism!) we went to a near by high school to behold some awesome fireworks. It was sooooo pretty and I bought ice cream which went perfectly with a warm night and pretty lights. It was a jolly evening. On the bus ride back I enjoyed talking to the French kids while they attempted to teach me French. Lets just say , even my "Bonjour!" sounded wrong. Grr. French is harder than it sounds. Thursday, well you know the deal. Movies in art and dresses in fashion. RMTTY: (like my abbreviation?) buses and flip flops, running into fireflies, secret spots, hallucinations, and walking solo. That night we had casino night, which although sounds like it would be fun, was borrrrrrring. I don't know how to play any of those games, so I played a round of bingo (...I know) and learned how to play one of the games which I played with a councilor and 2 French kids. This scenario was the definition of: mer. It wasn't unpleasant, just boring and...well...mer. Later that night me and one of my roomies ran (as we did several nights...and I'm not actually sure if this story took place on Thursday but oh well.) and we hung out on the swings and had a blast. Fridayyy we...wait for it... watched a movie in art. SHOCKER RIGHT!? In fashion I FINISHED MY BEAUTIFUL DRESS!! I brought it home and will proudly prance around in it for you when you come home. We all got dressed up that night and took pics which now reside on facebook. What I'm about to say comes completely out of chronological order, but I can't remember if I told you this before. One of the nights of the first week my roomies and I were extremely bored and it was only like 11 so we threw a party in the lounge which really bad speakers. It didn't work very well but whatever. Back to 2nd week. Saturday was pretty chill, I mostly packed all day and prayed haha. RMTTY: rocking chair, rain. I played cards with some friends and hung out. That was boring to even type. This entry is getting too long so I will end it here and start a new letter.
Hope you're having fun wherever you are on this planet right now!

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