Sunday 29 July 2012

Letter #15

Dear Erica,
Weeeeeee! I talked to you on the phone!! My mom is currently talking to your family and telling them you called me. So a MAJORRRRRRR relief occurred. While I was sulking and hungry upstairs I glanced at my iPad to see that I had received an email. After I sent you the last letter (14) I cooled down and got rational. I messaged a fellow drama department adventurer who happens to share the same name as you. We discussed the possibilities and our options. We came to the conclusion that we shouldn't jump to a conclusion. I sent the director a very polite and inquisitive email regarding the ages on the flyer and he responded that in fact the ages are referring to the CHARACTER THEMSELVES. The sound of "PHEW!" doesn't even begin to cover the relief I felt after reading that email. PHEW PHEW PHEW PHEW MY PLAY IS SAVED! I NO LONGER HAVE TO SULK OR PROTEST OR FREAK OUT! Nor did I have to spill out all of my frustrations and secret feelings (ok not so secret feelings) towards the chorus or the play. I'M SO EXCITED! I COULD STILL GET A ROLE! WOOOO! Still, the scheduling dilemma is a dilemma. Anyway, yesterday I continued to have no friends and my parents and I went to the pool which was cool. OMGGG I forgot to ask! Did you see the opening act for the olympics?? How does that even work with the time difference? See, for us it had already happened 5 hours before we saw it. But for you, it hadn't even happened for 2 hours after it happened. (I know that was super confusing, but I hope you understand....) I thought it was great. Some of the weird acts like kids jumping on hospital beds somehow had to do with the history of England...(???) But the ending was FAB. I've been slightly watching the individual sports and stuff, so GO AMERICA. AND ISRAEL. In other news in my very unexciting life, I took the ACT (it was a real test but it was for practice.) and got a 31 total, so yeah. That's pretty good, right? I didn't take the writing part though, so that could have significantly altered my score (I think). Brief intermission here while I stalk the photos online to find the one with the cell phone. AHHH I FOUND IT!!! I like your bright pink fanny pack. hehe fanny. Anyway I'm going to go continue to be bored and hungry.

P.S. As I stalk the audience of this blog I noticed a lot of yalls from Russia, so WHAT UP RUSSIANS? I don't know if I allowed people to comment on this blog but if YOU are Russian, you should comment and say hi. K bye!

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