Friday 20 July 2012

Letter #10

Dear Erica,
I really miss you right now. I wish I could call you to tell you about everything instead of writing it to you, but alas we are seas apart and you are off on an adventure. It's a pretty dumb reason why I suddenly missed you, it's because I was just watching Switched at Birth (obsessed. Watched 9 episodes in 2 days. That's 405 minutes, or 6.75 hours of watching this show. Can you say no life??) and I really needed to tell you why I don't like the character Bay. I can't remember if you watched this show or not, I feel like you do. I'm watching wayyyyyy more TV lately than I would ordinarily so bare with me while I waste my time sitting in front of a screen watching pretend people. Anyway, I wanted to tell you that as captivated a I am by the story I really disagree with the mindset of these characters. Both families are trying to get to know the other daughter--their biological daughter, and both feel very possessive over both daughters which of course causes mayhem and drama galore. Honestly though, if I was told tonight that I was adopted or switched at birth or dropped off by the stork, I really don't think I would care that much. Yes, I would be shocked and sort of confused and perhaps angry about why nobody told me, but aside from that I wouldn't feel like I need to find my true family because this is my family. These are the people that have raised me and the people I feel connected too, and it makes no difference at this point whether or not we share some chromosomes. They are my family no matter what. Furthermore I just dislike Bay in particular because she has had 3 boyfriends in 9 episodes which I think is just too many. Plus she doesn't even deserve Emmett! (I still don't know if you know what I'm talking about but oh well...) Emmett is so honest and sweet and she's constantly getting mad at EVERYONE for no justifiable reason. She lies, and is selfish, and I don't like her. Today I went to a baseball game with the fam. (I would have written our home team's name but to all the creepy Internet people reading this: sorry dudes but I'm not gonna tell you where I live. Haha! Thought you could trick me! Well not this time!) The game was really fun. (even though it had just rained so everything was slightly damp) There were a couple of men a row or two behind us that kept shouting thoughout the game, "COME ON JOE, WAKE UP!" No, there was no player named Joe. I kind of thought of it as "an average Joe" kind of nicknaming. When we won the game by 4 points I gave high fives to my broskas and parental units and looked back to see the dudes holding up their hands waiting for their high fives. (which I kindly gave them) After that my Dad gave us a mini tour of the citayyyy and went out for dinner. On the way home, Andrew took off his shoes to go to sleep and the whole car smelled like dirty socks the entire time. Had I not Immediatly assumed the pinched nose position, who knows if I would have survived. Well, I'm going to go eat a doughnut.

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