Sunday 22 July 2012

Letter #12

Dear Erica,
Weekends are cool. Ya know. Unless its summertime and they are just like any other day of the week. Not that I miss school, other than socializing with people like YOU, but there is an excitement for the weekends that I just lack during the summer. I'm going to be REALLY excited for this next weekend though. For no reason other than its the weekend. And weekends are cool. SO Saturday I woke up. Did some stuff. Saw this chicka that you know. I don't want to disclose her name on the internet for fear of all you creepy internet people. YEAH THATS RIGHT! I'M TALKING TO YOU CREEPER! FEEL FREE TO STOP READING MY BLOG! (I mean unless you really want to and think I'm exceptionally hilarious and interesting, in which case I encourage you to continue reading.) She's going to be a senior this year (whoa!) and her name starts with an A. That's all the info you're gonna get right now because I can already sense the creepers furiously typing in my name on facebook and stalking my friends that start with an A. (I hope my privacy settings make it so you creepers can't see my friends.... TAKE THAT INTERNET STALKERS!) We had a nice visit (I said "visit" in my head with a french accent, so I expect you to read it as such) and talked about the AP homework that I have yet to start. RAAWRRRRR. Then I boringly sorted my clothes (I know, I know, sorting....whatever) and took out all the clothes I don't want so I can start buying a new wardrobe for school. I had 17 sweat shirts. 17!!!!!!!! WHY DID I OWN 17 SWEAT SHIRTS?! Well someone is never going to be chilly again, because I'm giving most of them away. I was pretty boring the rest of the day. Read some magazines. (what is with me?! I've been READING!) I was supposed to babysit at 7 but TOTALLLLLY forgot about it. A miracle occurred though, because I was putting my magazines back in my room and I look at the clock simultaneously remembering that I have to babysit at 7 and it was 6:55! PHEWWWWWWW! Babysitting was cool. I read about the olympics, played with a cat, did gymnastics, and french braided hair. WOOO! Now THATS what I'm talking about for Saturday night fun. Today I went to an art museum which was pretty coolio. Hopefully tomorrow I might be going to the zoo with D-bomb and the gal pal I mentioned earlier in this letter. Btw, finished the season of Switched at Birth. Thats 16.5 hours, or 70% of a full day. Yay having no life! The song that is playing on my pandora right now is the same song as A Walk to Remember WHICH we still have to watch (and cry) together!
Hope you're having tons of funsies!

P.S. Tomorrow's my broska's birthday and I haven't gotten him a present yet--eek!

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