Wednesday 8 August 2012

Letter #20

Dear Erica,
Yay! 20th letter! I feel like this deserves a little celebration. Today I went to Michigan Adventure and had a great time. I went on so many roller coasters, you would have LOVED it. We have to go to cedar point together sometime so we can ride the coasters together. The funniest moment was when it was me, Ross, and Rachel riding this huge rollarcoaster. It was Rachel's first time ever on this ride nd I guess she wasn't exactly prepared for the first drop because I'm serious her face was priceless! It was sooooooo funny, it was a combination of pure terror and utter fear. Ross and I were both laughing so hard we were crying. He described it as her having 5 chins, eyes super wide, mouth was in a wide open frown, and the slightest hint of having to throw up. Soooooo funny. The water park made me feel grossly gross to step foot in. I kept thinking of the thousands of nasty feet that were in the same spot mine were in, so I just went in the lazy river and didn't go on any water slides. I have some random stories to tell you now, some are slightly relevant and some are completely irrelevant so bear with me. First of all, you should know that I really have to pee right now, but there is only one bathroom in the house and someone is showering. I could go to the other house, but I wouldn't want to completely scare the poop out of someone if they think I'm like a burglar or something coming into their house at midnight. Second of all, while I was walking towards a ride I saw this lady FULL ON, NO SHAME AT ALL, picking her nose. GROSS. Third of all, RMTTY: boyscouts at a subway. Fourth of all, last night there was this huge nasty bug in my room and I was too scared to touch it so I just left it alone. When I was going to go to sleep, though, I wanted to do something on my iPad and as soon as my light was out and I turned on my iPad the bug started flying around my room. Of course this made me freak out inside but I just calmly put away my iPad thinking it was just attracted to the light and it would leave me alone. FALSE. It stared flying first around the opposite side of the room from my bed, but all of a sudden I feel this tiny thud on my foot and the buzzing stops. THE HUGE NASTY BUG WAS MOMENTARILY RESDING ON MY VERY OWN FOOT!!! (flashback to that time at camp when there was a huge bug in my hair. Scary times.) you can imagine my terror as I flung my foot around hoping it would fly away. Oh and it did fly. Right to my HEAD! It then landed on the pillow that was behind my pillow (I can only assume this is where it landed because I heard it buzzing but I had quickly dived...dove...diven? Whatever, I put the covers over my head in about 1 second and quietly prayed to the lord to make it go away. I'm not sure if or when it did go away, but it has made me very uneasy about walking around my room or getting into bed. I'm afraid I'll find it waiting for me and I'll freak out. I would have asked someone else to kill it right when I first saw it, but it was alread really late when I first saw it and I didn't want to wake anyone up. Fifth of all, I just went pee and omgggg the floor is NASTY in there. The tiny rug squishes with who knows what kind of liquids. Plus, as I may have mentioned, there is like BARELY a door between the bathroom and my aunts room. It's this thin wooden slidey thing that doesn't even close all the way and it's right in front of the toilet. Basically anyone in that room is listening to me pee. Lastly, when I was in the car on my way to and from the park today I was rereading all of our imessages all the way back from march when you deleted all of mine. I'm still slightly mad at you for that. But it was so nice, I really felt like you were here with me instead of half a world away. You're the only person that makes me need to crack up and cry at the same time and I miss you sooooo much. Here is a snipit of some of my favorite things we said. Beware, it's kinda long.
Where'd you go??
I was just talking to myself for like 5 minutes
Woa wait, hahaha seriously?
That happens ot me al the time when ur phone dies or u hang up on me, ha
I noticed we got disconnected but was too lazy to call back at the moment..
I called you back twice! GRRRRRRR technology
How much chem did you do?
Really? I didnt get the call...
Umm like a few multiple choice ones
Dnt forget that mantas told us not to do 3 of the muoltiple choices..
Can we seriously work together on chem during study hall tomorrow?
Ken bevakasha
Toads rabbits
I used ur line
Can that be our inside joke? Like instead of thank you we just write that?
Haha we are so funny.
I like it.
Ok I'm going to take a shower now (now I'm really starting to sound like you....) so ttyl
I say that all the time. Wth the certain voice..
Omg no, i was about to say that IM gonna shower!
Whoa there what's mannn and why "wth"
Haha hamjzsdf
Im loling
What's happening?!?
So funny
I meant WITH
Maann ur so silly
What the hell Erica? MAAAAANNNNN
Im so weird. I said that out loud. Te last thing i wrote. To mself.
Hey. No hell allowed in my imessages
Im waiting
I keept on waiting. Waiting. Waitkng, and runing Runing running..
Im sweating here. And hot. Its os hot in my house. 

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