Tuesday 7 August 2012

Letter #19

Dear Erica,
Yesterday was a pretty good day. I didn't sleep in that much (like I said, my room is literally in a hallway...) so my whole fam went out to breakfast together. After Ross critisized me for wearing the same dress all the time (for the record, he has seen me wear that dress precisely 4 times ever! Election speeches, Jamie's party, and twice at camp.) I went shopping in town with my mom. I can't tell you how much I would love for you to be here with me. It would make the whole trip a bajillion times more fun. I went to the beach later and tried to look attractive while tanning. I texted my roomies (not that they replied to me or anything. Thanks a lot roomies.) that I went to the Michigan shore and I didn't even get a sunburn. I even went all the way in the water! And you know how much I dislike water! To top off the evening, we had some drama, as usual. It wouldn't be a family trip without a couple of good storm outs and blow ups. At breakfast my Aunt called my Grandma to tell her to order her some food because she wasn't at the restaurant yet. Well, my grandfather is HIGHLY anti-technology. He especially hates cell phones. Especially hates cell phones at meal times. To you and me, this small phone call between family members would have caused no alarm and would have been seen as being completely rational and normal. However, my Grandfather is neither rational, or normal. Thus the fist storm out occurred. Meanwhile his full plate of bacon arrived and Ross and I shared our own table. It seems that everyone in my family is able to sort of pair off during vacations. The adults pair off, then leave us 5 kids to pair off. It used to be me and Ross together, but now he seems to gravitate more towards Justin. This doesn't bother me, except for the fact that it leaves me by myself most of the time. Or worse, with my mom. That's why it was sort of nice to just have someone to hang out with finally. The second less eventfull drama took place without me really knowing what was going on, but my mom was mad again. Shocker, I know. The final event of the day was: It was my grandma's 80th birthday on Saturday so we were going to celebrate by going to a fancy restaurant for dinner. When we got there at our reserved time of 6:30, we sat down and ordered blah blah. Weeeeelllll, after over an hour of waiting and several impatient children already having left the table (this time I was not part of this crowd.) the adults started getting impatient as well. My mom had already politely asked the waiter what was prolonging the delivery of our food, then my grandparents called over the waiter to ask him what was taking so damn long, and FINALLY, my Grandfather got up and started causing quite a scene while screaming about how he doesn't eat dinner past 7 and how its not healthy to eat too close to bed time. We all got up and stormed out without paying for our drinks. We looked at a few other restaurants but the lines were long there too and we didn't want to wait any more. So we just went home. I got all dressed up though! It was so disappointing. RMTTY: holding out hope. I walked home sharing my iPod with Rachel and we were singing at the top of our lungs. It was such a good feeling not to care about all the people staring at us from their porches because they were just going to have to deal with it. We were determined to sing Taylor Swift as loud as we could and we were not going to care about any strange looks. When we came home we had some fun times involving a hammock and me and the younger kiddies. Today was pretty similar except no walk outs this time. Instead my Dad had a showdown with Rachel but that happened before I decided to get out of bed. When I did, I walked around town again with my mom then went to the beach for a little. I came home and got ready for dinner which tonight was at 4:45. I kid you not. We had to be sure that it wasn't too close to bedtime. After that we went to see movies. I saw the Dark Knight Rises with my grandma (who happened to eat an entire bag of popcorn without me eating ANY of it. Thanks grams) it was really good. Now its 11:11 and I just made a wish. I really wanted to take a shower tonight but I can't because Rachel and my aunt are already sleeping and their room is connected to the bathroom. I don't even know if I can go down there to brush my teeth, oh well they'll have to deal with it. They chose the room. Tomorrow we are going to Michigan Adventure.
I hope it's an adventure. I even put my hair in pigtail French braids. Dorthy style...

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