Saturday 30 June 2012

Letter #4

Dear Erica,
I admit, I've been really bad about writing to you this week. I've been having busy here at camp. So here's the load down on what's been going down this past few days. I think I left off telling you about Tuesday, sooooo Wednesday our music band practicing our songs and rocking out. Dance was practicing our dance to boyfriend by JB and we did lots of praying. Lots and lots of praying. In fact, we do so much praying here it's basically the only thing we do. My roomies and I are currently going insane with bordom. Wednesday, we even LEARNED!!! As a group!!! I basically taught our class even though our councilors were supposed to do that. It was sort of awkward when the councilor would say something that she thought was supposed to be clarifying or summarizing something about the document we were reading, but I clearly saw that she was wrong. When I say I that I taught this class I'm not kidding. Our group clapped for me when I was done and the councilors thanked me for my participation. Truthfully I didn't mind doing it, but I felt like the main councilor (who's job I politely took over) took all the credit when we were finished. Not that I really needed any credit, but it was just kind of annoying when we were supposed to report back what we learned and she said a lot of stuff that I had mentioned in "our discussion" (/my lengthy monologue) and described it as if she had cleverly interpreted it to mean such. It shouldnt bug me, and I really really like that councilor so I won't hold it against her... But still. During elective time which is basically like 2 hours of free time where we can chill out, sometimes we can go to the super market or stuff like that, and some councilors lead groups back here, I went to Deep Thoughts with Dana (not her real name) and Dana is the BEST AND FUNNIEST AND FUNNEST councilor, because she's not actually a councilor (yet. She doesn't have any campers this week plus it's her first year so she literally never knows what's going on. Ever.) That being said, it was hilarious to think that we were going to have deep thoughts with her. It was actually really interesting. First, we discussed an ethical dilemma but then our group got taken over by Jack's current events where we discussed... Well...current events. (duh?) and that was cool too. Even though it started as just me and Ross and the councilors but we eventually got quite a crowd. Our night activity was dogeball which initially I was kind of annoyed about because I can't play sports. I was pretty good though!I got a few people out and even won us the game by catching the last ball. REMIND ME TO TELL YOU:Dinner, fedora, phone Love, Stephanie

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Letter #3

Dear Erica,
I'm having tons of fun here at camp. I'm currently eating slightly frozen noodles with my roomie. We eat dinner really early (elderly people? Or starving teachers? Hehe) so by the time it's like 11, we are all hungry again. Instead of trying to get cereal from the cafeteria or buying food from the vending machine, we decided to hoard food in our room for late night snacking. We have a fridge and everything so we brought lots of food back with us from lunch and dinner (including the noodles....) The fridge, apparently, was on super super cold so it accidently froze our noodles. Awks. I'm in music and dance/yoga for my electives and they are quite awesome. In music I'm in this cutsies band with me, Ross, and 2 other peeps. I sing, Ross plays piano, and the other 2 play guitar and drums. We are actually pretty good. I have to memorize the lyrics to 2 songs that I've never heard before though, which is definetly a challenge. It's sooooo cool, we are going to record our songs on thursday, and perform them live on Friday at a location which I am not going to put on the internet... I'm excited. At first I was kind of annoyed because there was an overwhelming (by 2 votes) desire to play a rock and roll song which,as you may know, is NOT AT ALL my style of music. I sounded pretty awkward at first trying to imitate the band Guns N' Roses singing paradise city, but then I realized that I'm not going to sound like them no matter what, so I should just make the song my own and not care that I don't sound very rock and roll-ish. Today we started another song though, a Paramore song which sounds AMAZZZZING. But enough about music. Dance/ yoga is pretty coolio too. We are dancing hip-hop to Justin Beiber (I know...sigh...) and I might not be that great of a dancer, but it's really fun. The yoga is cool too, except for we do mostly parter stuff which is slightly strange. (I was going to put another set of dot dot dot's but I restrained myself. I think I have overused the ... And the parentheses in this letter but whatever...) Last night for our night activity we had a scavenger hunt around the campus but me and my roomies ended up chilling with the councilors while they told us all the answers. The councilors are so cool (remind me to tell you something...) There I go again with the dots and parentheses. I'm going to have to write you somethings in a rather cryptic manner so Internet people or others that I don't want to know things won't know anything, but this way I won't forget to tell you important/ embarrassing stuff. Tonight we went bowling which was slightly fun, but I'm not a good bowler, plus I would much prefer to do other things. [REMEMBER TO TALK ABOUT: tennis racket, texting scavenger hunt room, bowling shoes, socks and benches) The last thing I have to tell you about more later is our bus driver, she is HILARIOUS and just a lovely person. We all spoke in British accents the whole way back to the campus, and when one of the girls got out to try and lift the gate up so the bus could go through our driver merely laughed and said, "She's one crazy dude!" I loved that she said that. Love, Stephanie

Sunday 24 June 2012

Letter #2

Dear Erica,
Day 1 of my new camp is complete. After spending a funsies weekend with the fam traveling around phillidelphia, I found myself at a new camp with new friends, bunk mates, and a new room. Touring was cool, we saw some great historical places like the betsy ross house, we went to a sweet meuseum chalk full of american history.(shout out to HUSH?) I felt like a nerd walking around and already knowing half the information, but as a wise teacher once told me, "it's not always fun to learn, but its fun to know stuff," all I can say is true that. The campus here is beautiful. It's so spacious and green. I've made some really nice friends- my roomies are awesome. I'm currently exhausted and happy. (we went out for ice cream/slushies tonight, who wouldn't be happy?!) It was so much fun, we crammed maybe 60 of us into a school bus and when there was no more room to sit, everyone else was standing in the aisle. As you may know, it's probably illegal to stand up in a bus, but since the director of the camp was driving It didn't matter. We were blasting music and dancing, and the best part was when a police car came by, EVERYONE crouched down and hid while someone turned off the music and we pretending to be a normal everyday school bus. It was so fun. Anyway, back to the exhausted part, I'm going to sleep. Nighty night snuggle buddy! Love, Stephanie

Thursday 14 June 2012

Letter #1

Dear Erica,
As a continuation of my note in your planner, I'm making this blog as a digital diary of my summer for you to read. This is going to be the farthest and longest we have ever been away from each other our entire lives! I know that this summer you may not get the chance to call me or even write me back, but I hope that once in a while you can go online and read my letters to you.
At the moment you are probably at home, chilling on your computer in your room or riding your bike or something, but soon enough we will both be traveling in different directions for the duration of the summer. Let us both be adventurous this summer, try new things and meet new people. Let us test the boundaries of our friendship and trust that we will always be BFFs no matter how far away we are from each other. While I document my summer on this blog, I hope that you will also return home with many new memories and stories to share.
It only seems fitting to end with my FAV quote from my FAV book:
“You be you and I'll be me, today and today and today, and let's trust the future to tomorrow. Let the stars keep track of us. Let us ride our own orbits and trust that they will meet. May our reunion be not a finding but a sweet collision of destinies! Love and Love and Love Again, Stargirl.” ― Jerry Spinelli, Love, Stargirl